On March 31, 2022, the Chilean Branch of the Latin American Association of Medical Law, in co-organization with Estudio Meza & Jimenez Abogados and the Peruvian Branch of the Latin American Association of Medical Law, held a webinar aimed at health professionals and especially those working in the area of pediatric oncology. This international event addressed the topic of “Parental decisions and the voice of the child in their own cancer treatment”, in which Dr. Giancarlo Jiménez Bazán for Peru and Dr. Enrique Sepúlveda Marshall for Chile participated. The event presented relevant information from the point of view of Medical Law and Bioethics that Health Professionals should know to handle cases of minors undergoing cancer treatment.

In October 2022, Dr. Rosa Teresa Meza and Dr. Giancarlo Jimenez were invited as speakers representing Peru at the XII Latin American Congress of Medical Law, organized by the Spanish Branch of the Latin American Association of Medical Law whose president is Dr. Eduardo Osuna, the event was held in the city of Murcia, Spain.

The papers approved for dissertation of our lawyers for this event were: Current events and challenges in medical arbitration in Peru presented by Dr. Giancarlo Jiménez Bazán, Medical law in Latin America as well as the one entitled “Questions in the biolaw at the beginning of life”, both presented by Dr. Rosa Teresa Meza Vásquez.

For the sixth consecutive time, the Founding Partners of our Law Firm were present as the only accredited exhibitors for Peru at the 26th World Congress of Medical Law, organized by the World Association for Medical Law (WAML) in the city of Gold Coast in Australia from December 5 to 7, 2022. Demonstrating with this the high academic level and international recognition that the lawyers of Meza & Jimenez Abogados have in the specialty of Medical Law.

In this prestigious academic event, our partners lectured on: “Changes in Telemedicine in Peru in Times of Covid-19” by Dr. Rosa Teresa Meza Vásquez and “Impact of Covid-19 on Medical Law Litigation in Peru: Technologies Solutions and New Challenges” by Dr. Giancarlo Jiménez Bazán.

During the 26th World Congress of Medical Law held in Gold Coast- Australia, the Assembly of members of the World Medical Law Association elected Dr. Rosa Teresa Meza Vásquez for the second consecutive term as member of the Board of Governors period 2022-2026, she was also elected by unanimous vote by the members of the Board of Governors as Vice-President for the American Continent, congratulations to Dr. Meza for this well deserved international recognition that corroborates her high level of knowledge, preparation and status as an expert in Medical Law worldwide.

Also, at the 26th World Congress of Medical Law, Dr. Giancarlo Jiménez Bazán, Founding Partner of our Law Firm was chosen as presenter and moderator of session 3 (part 5) dedicated to Medicine and Technology, in which speakers from Poland, Ethiopia and Turkey participated.


XII Congreso Latinoamericano de Derecho Médico- Murcia, España

26° Congreso Mundial de Derecho Médico realizado en Gold Coast- Australia

Dra. Rosa Teresa Meza elegida Vice-Presidenta para el Continente Americano de la Asociación Mundial de Derecho Médico

Dr. Giancarlo Jiménez es presentador y moderador de expositores en el 26° Congreso Mundial de Derecho Médico realizado en Gold Coast- Australia